Front crawl stroke technique

 The front crawl style is considered the most important in contemporary swimming. Beyond being the most relevant, it is one of the most used, even the first to be learned by most people. In that order of ideas, the technique of the stroke must be one of the most frequently socialized topics, both by teachers and by students.

In this case, the main theme is the technique of the front crawl stroke with lifeguarding training. This movement seems simpler than it seems, but you should not overlook it at any time.

Front crawl stroke technique

The stroke in the front crawl is developed asymmetrically, as well as in the backstroke. In addition, it consists of two main phases: aerial and aquatic, also known as traction and recovery.

Water or traction phase

This is the most important phase in the technique of the stroke because of everything that happens in it. It is even divided into four sub-phases that must be executed correctly if you want to advance within the aquatic surface.

1. Entrance

The arm comes from performing the aerial phase, this indicates that it will enter the water again. This is when the subphase of the entry into the aquatic phase occurs, the first point to be executed.

The fingers of the hand will be the first to enter the water, specifically the thumb; the palm of it is directed down and out as this movement occurs.

For their part, the wrist and elbow joints are in semi-flexion. In addition, the arm is above the shoulder in the direction of the front. This subphase is the preamble to arm propulsion.

2. Grip

Grappling is one of the shortest sub-phases within traction. It is a transition in which the arm takes shape before continuing with the technique.

During the catch, the arm should be fully extended in the water, while the wrist is flexed down and out. This occurs just before the elbow begins to flex to execute the propulsion.

3. Pull

The pull is distinguished as the downward or downward sweep and is the point during which the arm begins to flex at the elbow. Also, the hand must be kept concave for better propulsion in the water.

The elbow begins to gain height with respect to the position of the hand; the more speed the arm reaches, the more marked the position of the elbow and wrist.

4. Push

On the other hand, the push is the upward sweep considered as the natural continuation of the pull. This movement is made upwards.

In this subphase, the arm begins to extend again. However, the movement is done backward and close to the centerline of the body; In this execution, emphasis is placed on total propulsion in the water.

The hand is positioned at the height of the thigh and that is the moment in which the aquatic phase ends, giving way to the exit of the elbow to begin the next phase.

Aerial phase or recovery

The aerial phase is distinguished as recovery thanks to the stroke technique. It is practically the way to regain strength and position to return to the pull phase, a necessary movement for the swimmer. Unlike the aquatic phase, this one does not have any sub-phase and the movement is carried out in a single moment.

The elbow rises above the hand, being the first out of the water, immediately accompanied by the forearm, wrist, and hand.

After this movement, you must bring your arm forward. This gesture will extend the arm, though not fully, as the elbow remains above the hand.

To finish, the arm is above shoulder height, semi-flexed forward. On the other hand, the hand seeks to enter the water again with American Lifeguard Training.

Stroke technique, work constantly

The stroke technique requires constant work in the water. The objective is focused on developing it correctly to swim well and move accordingly in the water.

Remember that this is not learned overnight, you also need to coordinate it with other techniques, such as breathing and kicking. In the end, everything becomes a single style.

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